Team Building & Good Health!

White, Greer & Maggard is considering a group membership with Proof Fitness. As part of our evaluation, we are pleased to announce that Proof Fitness is offering a 10 DAY ALL ACCESS VIP PASS for our team members (excluding current members). We will evaluate interest of all team members at the end of the trial period and discuss a group membership option at that point. The VIP PASS includes all access for you and your spouse plus 8 studio classes during the 10 day period. Additionally, Proof Fitness has designed complimentary and exclusive Team Building Group Fitness Sessions for us to have fun and get a great workout while doing it.
To participate, simply fill out the form on this page.
Includes Unlimited Classes
and Kids Playroom!

team building group fitness sessions / limited spots available
Tabata / Monday, February 12 / 6:00pm / Proof Tates Creek
Tabata is a fun and challenging cross training class using seven 4-minute blocks that alternate 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of recovery. This class will keep your heart rate up with high intensity intervals of cardio and strength training.
Core Yoga / Thursday, February 22 / 6:00pm / Proof West Main
Build core strength in this challenging, advanced Yoga class that will focus on core work, balance, strength and stamina, as well as flexibility. Feel energized by the brisk pace, challenge your concentration with extended balance poses, and incorporate equipment into your Yoga practice. Make the mind-body connection. Men welcome!
*Some restrictions apply.